Unsure of what you want or where your life is going? You can find answers to these question through journaling. You’ll be able to discover yourself through journaling.
Journaling helps people discover what they want and how to get it. It has become a popular form of self-discovery. So, through regular journaling, you can find out more about yourself and your goals.
There are many different ways journaling can help you identify what makes you tick. It can motivate you to accomplish your goals.
You can learn how to be a more positive person. Also, you can get a better understanding of who you are.
Ways to discover yourself through journaling.
Identifying your inner thoughts and feelings
A way you can discover yourself through journaling is to identif with your inner thoughts and feelings. Being able to understand yourself is key to living a happy, more fulfilled life.
Journals allow you to write without judgment. You will be your only audience. So you won’t have to worry about feeling judged.
You’ll be free to write straight from the heart. Uncovering things about yourself you never even realized.
Writing without restriction helps you to identify how you feel. Giving you the opportunity to change your emotional reactions.
You’ll have more control over your thoughts and feelings. Allowing you to shut out any negativity and focus on the positive.
It motivates you to act
Do you find it difficult to motivate yourself to achieve your goals? Journaling can be an amazing motivational tool. First, write down and identify what you want to do. Then use the journal to determine what you need to do to achieve your goals.
Writing down what you want to do motivates you to act. Check off your progress as you start working towards your goals. By doing this you’ll gain even more motivation to keep going.
It encourages positive thinking
In your journal try writing down 3 things you are grateful for each day. When you start to let negative thoughts take over, go back and read what you are grateful for.
Positive thinking has a major impact on your happiness. When you start to look at things in a more positive light, you’ll start to enjoy life a lot more. The more positive thoughts you begin the have, the more will follow.
You’ll understand who you are
People who are happy and fulfilled know exactly who they are and what they want. You’ll be able to focus on making your dreams and goals a reality when you know exactly what you want and where you want to go.
Starting a Journal
It doesn’t take much to get started. All you need is a pen and paper. Of course, if you like pretty things you can grab an inexpensive journal like this one.
Journal Prompts to Get Started
Here are 20 journal prompts to help get you started.
- Where are you in your life right now?
- What do you want to accomplish by a year from today?
- What is your biggest strength?
- How do you feel right now?
- What area of your life is lacking?
- What does failure mean to you?
- Write a letter to your younger self.
- What is your biggest dream?
- List 3 goals you want to achieve.
- If you could be anyone, who would it be?
- What do you feel is holding you back?
- What does success mean to you?
- If you could meet anyone, who would it be?
- What brought you joy this week?
- What is one thing you are proud of accomplishing?
- How have you changed in the last years?
- Where do you want to be 5 years from now?
- When you are alone, what do you do with your time?
- How can you add value to those around you?
- If you could spend the rest of your life doing one thing, what would it be?
Discover Yourself Through Journaling
My word of the year is change. I made this my word of the year because I fear and hate change. But I need to learn how to embrace it instead of running away from it.
Change helps us to grow and to learn. This is what I need in my life. But, before I can change I need to discover myself. I know through journaling I will be able to find out who I am and what exactly I want.
Journaling is not something that’s going to work overnight. So, don’t expect amazing results right away. But, the more you do it, the more you’ll be able to discover yourself through journaling.
What are you hoping to accomplish through journaling? Please let me know in the comments.
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