Becoming a Mom is scary so prepare yourself. I was nowhere near prepared for Motherhood! Though I don’t know if anyone ever is I was very far from it. I remember the exact moment my life changed. Sitting in my OB GYN’s office staring at a screen when I saw the first picture of my unborn daughter.
That was the moment it became a reality. I had already taken a pregnancy test but I was hoping it was wrong. Having my life completely change wasn’t something I was ready for. I wasn’t ready to be responsible for another human being. I never planned on becoming a mommy but looking at this picture I had become one.
Becoming a Mom is Scary
No one ever tells you becoming a Mom is scary. Don’t get me wrong I love being a mommy but when I first found out that I was going to be a mom I was terrified! I thought I would have kids someday but someday was never in the present.
Not knowing the first thing about having kids I didn’t know how I should prepare. I was completely clueless and pretty much stayed that way until long after my first child was born.
The first time I was going to be alone with my baby, I panicked. Completely clueless and unprepared, I had no idea how to pick up a baby or how to even change a diaper. So scared I was going to break her!
At that moment I wish I would have been better prepared but of course, hindsight is 20/20. It would have been helpful if I would have taken some classes, read more books or asked more questions. Wishing I would have been more informed. I had the diapers and I had the clothes but I didn’t have the knowledge.
I thought everything would come to me. It didn’t even occur to me that I didn’t know how to pick up a baby or change a diaper! Not knowing that the first time I saw my baby she would look so fragile and how scared I would be to pick her up.
To Be More Prepared for Parenthood:
- Read lots of books
- Spend a lot of time helpful websites
- Take classes
- Ask lots of questions
I wish I would have read more books. The only book that I read was What to expect while expecting. Two books I should have read are: What to except the first year and The Baby Book by Dr. Sears. Reading these books would have been more worthwhile to read before my daughter was born. I would have had a little more insight.
Spending more time surfing the web would have also been more helpful. Later, I found out that The What to Expect website has a ton of good information if you don’t feel like reading the book. The information Dr. Sears has on his website is good too.
My doctor suggested I take a first-time parent calls but I thought it would be a waste of time. I was SO wrong! The hospitals in my area offer a lot of classes but I didn’t take advantage of the resources available to me. It’s so funny because before having kids I didn’t realize how much time I actually had to do things!
Looking back, I should have asked mom’s that I knew what I should expect after my daughter was born. I only thought to ask about being pregnant but not about how to take care of a baby.
You will Survive
Becoming a Mom is scary! Though I didn’t do everything right I did survive and so did my daughter who is now 6 years old. Every parent has their own fears but somehow we make it through. If we didn’t the human race wouldn’t exist, right?
Are you expecting your first child? What are you doing to prepare? Let me know in the comments.
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